Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hyperglycemic crisis

Diabetes can also present acutely as either diabetic ketoacidosis, which is common in patients with type I diabetes or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state which is more likely to occur in type 2 diabetes.

These conditions are jointly referred to as hyperglycemic crises to emphasize their seriousness and the need for rapid and intensive management.

Hyperglycemic crisis also known as diabetic coma, is a state of unresponsive resulting from several problems, including hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, and dehydration secondary to excessive urination.

Not all patients experiencing a hyperglycemic crisis are truly comatose; however, their level of consciousness is typically altered.

Furthermore, hyperglycemia by itself does not always cause a crisis; however, when it does occur, hyperglycemia is the key contributing factor.

Hyperglycemic crisis may occur in the patients who is not under medical treatment, who takes an insufficient amount of insulin, who markedly overeats, or who is undergoing a stressful event, such as an infection, illness, overexertion, fatigue or drinking alcohol.
Hyperglycemic crisis

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