Diabetes occurs when glucose can’t enter the cells either because the patient don’t produce enough insulin or don’t properly use what the body produce.
Naturopathic physicians have observed that licorice help prevent cataract development in people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is likely that licorice helps conserve hormones that keep the eyes lubricated.
Licorice is one of the oldest and best known remedies for coughs and chest complaints. Clay tablets of Mesopotamia indicate its use as a medicine and elixir of life. King Tut who died in 1344 BC was buried with a generous supply of licorice root.
Licorice was probably introduced to Native Americans by the early English settlers and was subsequently used by medicine men to treat diabetes.
American Indians seem to have inferred that the sweetness of licorice reflects the plants medicinal function and used it to treat diseases associated with high sugar levels, particularly diabetes.
Licorice is a strong liver protector and detoxifier. It priests liver cell membranes and reduced inflammation of liver.
Various studies have shown the biological effects of glabridin, licorice or its extracts. They have been shown to have clinical efficacy in the treatment of conditions such as gastric ulcer, chronic hepatitis, diabetes and allergic inflammation.
For diabetes, licorice fern root can be used first followed by swamp tea. Licorice is a natural sugar substitute that can stabilize blood sugar.
Licorice for diabetes
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