Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Mango Health Benefits: It can fight against diabetic

The mango, originating from the Mangifera tree, encompasses around 30 species of tropical fruiting trees, with the scientific classification Mangifera indica. Whether consumed in its raw or ripe state, mango holds cultural significance as the national tree of Bangladesh, and it is recognized as the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines.

The therapeutic attributes found in mango are potentially attributed to the presence of phenolic acids, which exhibit robust antioxidant properties. These compounds play a crucial role in safeguarding body tissues from oxidative stress, offering benefits such as anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antilithiatic, and anticarcinogenic effects.

Mangoes have exhibited glucose-lowering effects, possibly attributed to the combination of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive compounds. Among the diverse chemical components in mango, mangiferin emerges as a significant contributor to its anti-diabetic activity. Present in notable quantities in mango seeds (0.42 mg/kg), peel (1690.4 mg/kg), and pulp (4.4 mg/kg), mangiferin is believed to possess hypoglycemic properties.

Recognized as a xanthone with potent antioxidative capabilities, mangiferin inhibits sucrase, isomaltase, and maltase enzymes, consequently reducing glucose absorption in the intestines. The inclusion of dietary fiber in mango further contributes to lowering carbohydrate digestion and diminishing glucose absorption.

Beyond the fruit itself, various parts of the mango plant, including the flesh, leaves, and stem-bark, have been reported to exhibit anti-diabetic, antilithiatic, and free radical scavenging properties. Mango leaves, in particular, have been identified as beneficial for enhancing insulin production and glucose distribution, thereby assisting in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Loaded with pectin, vitamin C, and fiber, mango leaves offer a combined advantage for individuals managing both diabetes and cholesterol.
Mango Health Benefits: It can fight against diabetic

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