Blood sugar is the level of glucose in the blood. Red blood cells an most of the nervous system, including the brain, rely on this fuel to meet most of their energy requirements. The body strives to maintain blood sugar at a constant level.
The liver maintains a relatively constant level of blood sugar. After a meal, blood sugar rises and then returns to normal within two to three hours, as insulin allows the body’s cells to utilize it.
When low blood sugar occurs in response to food, it’s called reactive hypoglycemia. A drop in blood sugar to a subnormal level triggers the release of hormones which counteract the hypoglycemia. The pancreas releases the hormone glucagon, the pituitary releases the adrenocor- ticotropic hormone (ACTH) and the growth hormone and the cores (medullas) of the adrenals release adrenalin.
High-sugar, junk-food diets definitely lead to poor blood sugar regulation, obesity, and ultimately type 2 diabetes. But the stress on the body that they cause, including secreting too much insulin, can also promote the growth of cancer and increase the risk of heart disease.
Blood sugar
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